Saturday 21 January 2012

My First Post. AKA Comments on America

Hi everyone. As you can see by the title, it's my first post.
As you can see by the last sentance, I'm shit at intro's.
So I don't really know what to write about, but I just got back from America, so I will write a list of Pro's and Con's for you (look at me, justifying my actions. How quaint)

  1. They have WiFi everywhere. And I mean everywhere.
  2. They have a theme park for Harry Potter. Harry frekin' Potter.
  3. They sell The Fault In Our Star's in every bookstore
  4. They meals are HUGE! I know everyone says that, but you never feel fat or go hungry because there is no way you can eat all of their food and not explode, taking down an area approximately the size of Paris

  1. They're obsessed with turkey. I mean like, you step into a cafe and you feel like you have walked into a Monty Python sketch.
    "Oh what type of fish is in the fish soup today?" "Oh it's Turkey."
    "What's on the Vegan Sandwich?" "Oh, you know, the usual. Nothing that casts a shadow. And turkey."
  2. So their toilets. I don't know if this is a normal thing for most of the world, but their toilet bowls are so full of water it is ridiculous. Like you have to do a barrel roll to avoid splash back. Which isn't that bad until you come to my next point.
  3. THEIR TOILETS FLUSH AUTOMATICALLY! Sure that sounds cool, one may think. Well it's not. It sucks. Because when you barrel roll it flushes, and your like "HEY I'M NOT DONE!" But when you are done, it won't flush, even when you do some freaky arse kung-fu in front of it, leaving you with a very guilty conscience. The world would be so much better a place if toilets didn't flush automatically. 

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